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This function is used to the test the performance of an authorship analysis method.


performance(training, test = NULL)



The data frame with the results to evaluate, typically the output of an authorship analysis function, such as impostors(). If only training is present then the function will perform a leave-one-out cross-validation.


Optional data frame of results. If present then a calibration model is extracted from training and its performance is evaluated on this data set.


The function returns a list containing a data frame with performance statistics, including an object that can be used to make a tippet plot using the tippet.plot() function of the ROC package (


Before applying a method to a real authorship case, it is good practice to test it on known ground truth data. This function performs this test by taking as input either a single table of results or two tables, one for training and one for the test, and then returning as output a list with the following performance statistics: the log-likelihood ratio cost (both \(C_{llr}\) and \(C_{llr}^{min}\)), Equal Error Rate (ERR), the mean values of the log-likelihood ratio for both the same-author (TRUE) and different-author (FALSE) cases, the Area Under the Curve (AUC), Balanced Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1, and the full confusion matrix. The binary classification statistics are all calculated considering a Log-Likelihood Ratio score of 0 as a threshold.


results <- data.frame(score = c(0.5, 0.2, 0.8, 0.01), target = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
perf <- performance(results)
  |                                                                      |   0%
  |=======================                                               |  33%
  |===============================================                       |  67%
  |======================================================================| 100%
#> Setting levels: control = FALSE, case = TRUE
#> Setting direction: controls < cases
#>        Cllr  Cllr_min EER Mean TRUE LLR Mean FALSE LLR TRUE trials FALSE trials
#> 1 0.2422848 0.4150375  25      14.91206      -12.77601           4            4
#>   AUC Balanced Accuracy Precision Recall F1 TP FN FP TN
#> 1   1                 1         1      1  1  2  0  0  2